Precocious Bloomers
Welcome to the Precocious Bloomers Gallery. All of the plants featured in these images are not afraid to stick their heads out of the dirt and bloom in late winter or early spring here in zone 5B/6A. Whether they’re evergreen, deciduous, or herbaceous, they all have one thing in common: they’re happy to perform in frigid temperatures. If you’d like to see more finery from my garden during winters past, please feel free to read “Spring and Summer’s Path Through My Garden,” written in late summer of 2021. That feature contains loads of pics of green and flowering beauties doing their thing through not only late winter, but through spring and summer, as well. In the meantime, I’ll be adding more images to all of the photo galleries – including this one – on a (hopefully) continual basis, so please remember to check back in from time to time. Please enjoy the pics. I freely admit that I’m nobody’s photographer, but I think the subjects here do a pretty good job of speaking for themselves. Cheers, and Happy Gardening!
Espoma Organic Plant-tone. I am a huge fan of Espoma’s line of organic fertilizers. Plant-tone is the one I use for the majority of the plants in my garden. It’s got an N-P-K ratio of 5-3-3 and is a great all-purpose organic fertilizer. It works perfectly for an incredibly wide variety of ornamental plants. Again, Espoma Organic Plant-tone is the food that a huge number of my plants get. So many of my precocious bloomers love it, and it shows. You can order this product here, directly from Amazon, by clicking the #advertisement link.
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