RGG June 2023 Garden Tour

The Renaissance Garden Guy June 2023 Garden Tour

The Renaissance Garden Guy June 2023 Garden Tour

Welcome to the RGG June 2023 garden tour.  It’s short, it’s colorful, and you don’t have to look at yours truly for very long during the video.  What’s not to love?

By John G. Stamos

Well, gang, what can I say?  I’ve been light on the written word (as well as just about everything else) here on The Renaissance Garden Guy lately, and there’s just been no help for it.  It’s been a shitty row to hoe here for the last 45 days, and I’m just now trying to pick up the pace.

And with this particular feature, I’m sort of cheating.

Instead of cranking out a written work worthy of Tolstoy for you today, I’m offering up one of my own trademark bad videos.  This time, it’s an RGG June 2023 garden tour, and thankfully, it’s short.  It’s the third overall Sights and Sounds garden tour, and the second one from my own garden.  In spite of my atrocious video-making skills, my buffoonish on-screen presence, and the fact that I sound like I’m talking through a mouthful of mashed potatoes during my stirring narration, my plants actually look pretty healthy and fairly attractive.  They’re carrying this one.

So, go shake or stir yourself a martini, click the image link below to take the tour (you can also find this one on the RGG YouTube channel), enjoy the pretty plants, do your best to ignore my babbling, avert your eyes when my face fills the screen (fortunately not often), and pop that olive into your mouth once you drain your glass.  Then go fix yourself another drink.  In fact, make it a double.  You’re gonna need it.  Here you go…

Did I lose anybody?  Don’t answer that.  To those of you who stuck it out, I thank you – and commend you.  It couldn’t have been easy.  And to all of you, my dear and loyal readers and subscribers, I am forever grateful for your interest and readership.  

Cheers, and Happy Gardening!

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12 thoughts on “The Renaissance Garden Guy June 2023 Garden Tour”

  1. John, the garden looks fabulous. You have so many different plants and your garden design is outstanding! All those beautiful flowers create a living tapestry that is a feast for the eyes and soul. I look forward to your next garden tour so I can see how the garden changes as the summer goes on.

    1. Thank you so much, Kevin. I really do appreciate that. There’s still so much to do out there. But I’m very glad that you like what I’ve accomplished so far. Thank you once again, Kevin!

  2. John,thank you for sharing your beautiful garden with us, your Lilies are amazing and so many Hostas,😊just wonderful,I hope it brings you joy and happiness at this time,thinking of you always.

    1. Oh Tina, how incredibly kind of you. Bless your heart. I’m glad that you enjoyed the garden tour. There’s still so much work to do out there – I don’t know how I’ll ever get it done. I’m glad you liked the lilies and hostas. I think both of those do bring a lot to a garden. And thank you so much for your concern, Tina. I am truly grateful.

  3. Great to see your beautiful garden! The lilies are quite impressive and Dee Dee would’ve loved that Rhododendron!

    1. Awww, Cathy… Bless you for saying so. Thank you so much for thinking of Dee Dee. That just means the world to me. And of course, thank you so much for tuning in. I’m very, very grateful. And I’m glad you like the lilies. I’m amazed myself at their insane size and prolific spreading. I’ve already started giving some away! Thanks once again, Cathy – I appreciate everything.

  4. It was a delightful tour of your beautiful garden…
    A piece of heaven… wish I could enjoy the perfume of each flower 🌸🌺🌼💖🌹💫

    1. Thank you so much, Roxxy – I’m so glad you enjoyed it. And I’m really happy that my awful presence in the video wasn’t a significant distraction for you – thanks again!

    1. Thanks for watching the video, Rick. And thanks for the compliment on the garden. It’s been a lot of work, so I’m glad to hear that there are some noticeable improvements. Thanks again!

  5. John you crack me up, it’s a wonderful and very well made video, loved every minute of it and every corner of your breathtakingly gorgeous garden with all it’s color and lovely foliage, arches and arbors and water feature. Bravo!👏👏👏

    1. I thank you so very kindly, Jill. I really do appreciate that! The garden is coming along, though I haven’t worked very much at it (or anything else, really) over the last month-and-a-half. It’s got a long way to go, but I’m so happy to hear that you’re appreciating it in its current state. Again, Jill, I thank you so very much.

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