Readers' Gardens 2024 Invitation

The Renaissance Garden Guy “Readers, Show Me Your Gardens!!! 2024” Submission Invitation

The Renaissance Garden Guy "Readers, Show Me Your Gardens!!! 2024" Submission Invitation

Welcome to the submission invitation for The Renaissance Garden Guy’s upcoming “Readers, Show Me Your Gardens!!! 2024” feature.  This one’s the real deal: it’s the official readers’ gardens 2024 invitation, and it’s got all the info you’ll need to get your garden’s photos included in this year’s feature.  Keep it right here to get the details, and to see some pics of my own garden (sorry, I couldn’t resist running some by you).  Here you go…

Unbelievable Speed 2023

Alright, sports fans, here it is.  Previous years’ RGG “RSMYG” participants, and RGG readers and subscribers who’ve stuck around since September of 2023 and longer, will know how this one’s going to go down.  For all of you new RGG readers, subscribers, and potential readers’ gardens 2024 invitation responders/photo submitters, here’s the deal: This year’s feature will showcase photos from 50 submitters.  The first 50 readers to submit their pics will get them published in the feature. If you’re one of those first 50 submitters, you, along with an enormous global audience, will see your plants and flowers featured right here in The Renaissance Garden Guy.  As always (and spoken from a very selfish standpoint), the best part of this whole deal is that not only do I get to see photos of each of your gardens, I get to see them first.  It’s always an awesome experience – for me and The RGG audience at large – to see what you guys and gals are growing

Here’s everything you need to know to submit your shots:

  1. Send me three photos of your garden(s) and/or your favorite flower(s).  You can send three photo collages instead of three single shots, if you’d prefer – I’ll count one photo collage as one single photo.  (Please don’t send more than three.)  Make sure to include a short description to go along with each photo or collage so I can let everyone know what they’re looking at when they see your shots.
  2. Email them to me at
  3. The photos can be of your garden and/or your favorite flowers/plants/bushes/trees.  Photos of indoor, balcony, container, rock, vegetable, fruit, and water gardens are also perfectly fine.  Of course, potted plants are great, too.
  4. Include your first name and the first initial of your last name, (or your nickname or business name) and your city, state/province, and country.  (Sorry, but I won’t publish any photos submitted without this info.) 
  5. Please note the following: Your email address will never be shown or published.  Your email address will not be saved or added to any mailing list.  It will be discarded upon receipt of your submission.  If you are a subscriber to The Renaissance Garden Guy, your email address will continue to be maintained in private fashion.  Any photos you submit will become property of The Renaissance Garden Guy.  They’ll only be used by The Renaissance Garden Guy for the purposes of this one particular feature.  You will retain ownership of your original photos.  Your submission of these photos and accompanying information as outlined above implies your consent to these terms.
  6. The first 50 submissions will be published in The Renaissance Garden Guy on September 22, 2024.  The whole feature will be dedicated to your flowers and gardens.  No writing from me.  Just your pics and the basic info you provide as described above, to go along with your shots.  I will publish all three of your pics.  Again, this feature is limited to the first 50 readers to submit their photos.  The entry deadline is September 4, 2024.  If I don’t get 50 submissions, I’ll publish what I receive.
  7. 150 pictures might seem like a lot, but when it comes to fabulous shots of beautiful gardens, it’s definitely not nearly enough!
  8. So, be one of the first 50 readers to submit your photos, get them in by September 4th, and see them published right here in The Renaissance Garden Guy on September 22nd!

Last year’s feature, “Readers, Show Me Your Gardens!!! 2023,” was an awesome success.  Each and every one of the submissions was excellent.  My gratitude goes, once again, to all of last year’s participants.

Now, you’ve got your readers’ gardens 2024 invitation, so you can stick a fork in this one right here, close this tab, and start getting your garden pics together.  You’ve got all the info you’ll need to do that.  But I wouldn’t feel right about extending this readers’ gardens 2024 invitation without inserting some pics from my own garden this year into its midst, along with a great product rec or three.  It’s sort of an “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” thing.  You get it.  In any case, here are the pics, and below them are the products.

API Pond Algaefix.  API Pond Algaefix is the product I use to control and eliminate unwanted algae growth in my gardens’ water features.  This product very effectively controls and/or eliminates green or green water algae (Chlorella), string or hair algae (Cladophora), and blanketweed (Oedogonium) in my two ornamental ponds.  The product comes with very exacting manufacturer’s directions, which in turn must be followed exactly.  When used according to these manufacturer’s directions, API Pond Algaefix is harmless to fish and aquatic amphibians and reptiles.  My large frog and toad populations have never been harmed by this product.  It keeps my ponds extremely clear and free of unsightly and unwanted algae growth, and is simple to administer.  Since so many  RGG readers and subscribers’ gardens utilize water features in their designs, I felt this product rec and the readers’ gardens 2024 invitation were a perfect match.  I highly recommend this product.  I’ll stress again, however, that all manufacturer’s directions must be followed exactly.  To learn more about this excellent product, or to order it here, directly from Amazon, please click the #advertisement link.

API Pond Algaefix

Click here to learn more or to order


One of my own jugs of API Pond Algaefix. This product literally works miracles. It controls, and in the case of my own ponds, eliminates unwanted algae growth. When used according to the manufacturer's directions, this product is harmless to fish and aquatic amphibians and reptiles. It's critical that all manufacturer's directions are followed exactly.

Arber Bio Fungicide.  Got a problem with brown rose buds and flowers?  Not anymore.  This product gets a full-on, 150%, A+ recommendation, and I think its placement here in the readers’ gardens 2024 invitation is entirely appropriate (you do want your flowers looking their best for the camera, after all).  It has, in the case of two of my infected roses, and per my own observations, either completely halted, or eliminated the effects of, an active Botrytis blight infection caused by the fungus Botrytis cinerea.  Arber Bio Fungicide is OMRI listed for organic gardening, and its main ingredient is a biological agent: a strain of an aggressive bacteria called Bacillus amyloliquefaciens.  As the product forms a protective coating over the foliage of an infected plant, this bacteria goes to work and evidently starts to, among other things, devour the Botrytis cinerea fungus.  As stated, the product is proving itself to be effective at treating plants already infected with this fungus.  The manufacturer states that Arber Bio Fungicide treats and/or prevents, in addition to Botrytis blight, a number of other plant fungal infections.  I highly recommend this product.  Click the #advertisement link to learn more about it, or to order it directly from Amazon.

Note: Federal law mandates that all fungicide products must be used in accordance with each respective manufacturer’s product label.  When using any fungicide, read all manufacturer’s information and follow all manufacturer’s directions as provided in the product label.  Failure to do so is a violation of federal law.

Arber Bio Fungicide

Click here to learn more or to order


My own bottle of Arber Bio Fungicide. This OMRI listed biological utilizes an aggressive bacteria as its main ingredient and is highly effective at preventing, controlling, and eliminating a number of different plant fungal infections. A remarkable product that I highly recommend.

Deer Out Deer Repellent.  This topical, spray-on repellent has proven to be 100% effective at keeping deer from feasting on my ornamental plants.  Its peppermint-like scent is abhorrent to deer, but entirely tolerable to people, and its formulation ensures its preventative effects are extremely long-lasting.  It’s also 100% natural, and it doesn’t harm deer, your plants, or the environment.  The product comes in ready-to-use or concentrated solutions, and can be applied during any season.  Does a plug for this product belong here in the readers’ gardens 2024 invitation?  Well, you do want to include actual leaves and flowers in your pics rather than bare, chewed-up stems, right?  So, here’s your stuff.  To learn more about this excellent product, or to order it here, directly from Amazon, please click the #advertisement link.

Deer Out Deer Repellent

Click here to learn more or to order


My own jug of Deer Out Deer Repellent in concentrate form. Deer Out Deer Repellent is an incredibly effective topical spray-on product. It's 100% natural, and, in the case of my own personal use of the product, it's proven to be 100% effective. It's available in ready-to-use or concentrate solution, and can be applied during any of the four seasons.

I hope the pics and the products were to your liking – thanks for indulging me.  You’ll be showing me your flowers, after all, so it wouldn’t be right to not show you some of mine.  And all of these products are dead nuts – they’ll work hard to help you make your gardens healthy and beautiful, as they’ve worked hard to do the same for mine.  I believe in the effectiveness of each one of them, and they all belong here in this readers’ gardens 2024 invitation.

Remember the deadline, folks, and get your pics in by 11:59 PM CST on September 4th.  Also remember that September 22nd will be your day: none of my writing, none of my pictures, none of my anything.  It’ll be just you and your gardens.  I’m hoping that this readers’ gardens 2024 invitation has been helpful in conveying this fact.  And I do hope the instructions were clear.  If you’d like to submit your photos, but you have questions, please go to the RGG Contact Me page and fill out a contact form, or simply email me at  I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.

As always, dear readers and subscribers, I’m grateful for your interest and your readership. 

And I absolutely cannot wait for you to show me your gardens!

Cheers, and Happy Gardening!

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6 thoughts on “The Renaissance Garden Guy “Readers, Show Me Your Gardens!!! 2024” Submission Invitation”

  1. Your garden images are delightful…
    I can only describe your garden as the divine garden of Eden, it’s a PARADISE ❤️🌸🌺🙏

    1. Oh, wow, Roxxy – you are way too kind – but thank you!!! I really think you’re going to love all of the submissions for this year’s edition. There are some amazing gardeners and some incredible gardens out there! Thanks once again, Roxxy – I can’t ever thank you enough.

  2. The pictures of your garden are incredibly beautiful! I am going to send some pictures of my garden, and I really look forward to seeing all of the other submissions. Last year’s edition was fabulous!

  3. The flowers in your garden look amazing. It has been a pleasure to see the development and progress of your garden over time. Of course, I’m also really looking forward to viewing photos of your readers’ gardens.

    1. Thank you, Rick – I really appreciate that. Once you see the photos that The RGG audience submits, I believe you’ll be wowed! Thanks once again, Rick.

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